Deer hunting with the best broadheads for whitetail can make or break a hunt. Accurate shot placement, cutting all the way through, flowing blood trails and quick kills all contribute to bringing your deer home.
Mechanical broadheads have been popular choices for their tuning forgiveness and big entry holes. However, there are way too many stories of mechanical failures, resulting in poor penetration that led to wounded and unrecovered animals.
Iron Will broadheads are made to industry leading tolerances and are designed with fluid dynamic modeling to provide the most accurate fixed blade flight. Additionally, all Iron Will broadheads use A2 tool steel blades that have been optimized for sharpness and impact strength to cut through bone like no other. This premium material stays sharp through the animal to sever micro blood vessels for more bleeding while passing through animals quickly for less reaction and shorter recoveries.
With all that in mind, here are our most popular broadhead setups for whitetail deer hunting:
Wide Series Broadheads
Whitetail shots are typically close to moderate in distance, often near thick cover, and whitetails often move at the shot. For these reasons, our Wide Series Broadheads are a great choice for Whitetails. With 2 1/8 inch total cut, they put more blood on the ground and cut more tissue which is advantageous if the shot is back, yet penetrate through bone incredibly well for shots that are forward.
Lab tests show Iron Will Wide broadheads produce massive holes in whitetails while significantly out-penetrating mechanicals and eliminating many failure modes.
Single Bevel Broadheads
Iron Will Single Bevel broadheads rotate through the animal splitting bones and opening up holes while producing extra tissue damage during penetration for greater blood trails and quick kills. Our single bevel heads come standard with single bevel bleeder blades for added cut and more open holes. These heads are quiet, accurate, and have become another favorite for whitetails as well as all North American big game.
Tried and true, Iron Will S Series Broadheads have likely put down more animals than any other Iron Will broadhead. These broadheads are quiet, fly great as far as a hunter can shoot field points, and tend to pass through without the animal knowing what hit them.
Extremely versatile, S Series Broadheads are great additions to your quiver regardless of whether you're hunting whitetail on the back 40 or moose in the Yukon.
Whitetail Single Bevel Broadhead Testing
Broadheads aside, it's important that the entire front of your arrow is strong enough to pass through heavy whitetail scapula and humerus bones.
A trend in arrow building today is to put lower cost materials out front of your arrow to screw broadheads into (outserts / half-outs). Many of these are made of weak, lower cost materials like aluminum. These materials tend to bend on heavy bone impacts. Additionally, since they sit out front of the arrow, they act like a lever arm. As soon as the material bends and puts pressure on the inside of the arrow on heavy bone impact, they blow out the front of the arrow with almost no penetration. The result can be a wounded deer and missed opportunity.
To ensure maximum penetration on whitetail, we strongly recommend strengthening the front of your arrow with an Iron Will HIT Insert and Impact Collar. This system, which we call our Reinforced HIT System, puts the broadhead into the arrow to prevent a lever arm. Additionally, the arrow shaft is sandwiched between the Impact Collar and HIT Insert which works to prevent arrow mushrooming or blow-outs. This keeps your arrow's momentum driving forward for maximum penetration.