Deep Six is a micro diameter arrow and component system specialized for the industries smallest diameter hunting arrows having 4mm, .165, or .166 inside diameter shafts. These micro diameter arrows reduce drag and wind drift providing a flatter trajectory and deeper penetration. Since the inside diameter of these shafts is smaller than a standard broadhead's #8-32 thread and .204" diameter shank, a smaller #6-40 threaded system was developed called Deep Six. This system allows the broadhead shank and threads to attach down inside the arrow for greatly improved alignment and strength over outserts or half-outs. Broadheads, field points, and inserts using this #6-40 thread system throughout the industry will include Deep Six in their description.

Engineering, manufacturing, warehousing, and supporting the additional Deep Six thread size adds expense and complexity for broadhead, arrow, and component manufacturers. As a result, many companies are producing outserts and half-outs instead so that you can attach a standard broadhead out in front of the arrow. This is less than ideal for many reasons but it is convenient for manufacturers and bowhunters since standard broadheads can be used.

Outserts vs HIT Inserts
Outserts, or half-outs, as their name implies, sit largely out front of the arrow shaft. This creates a stack up of tolerances between your arrow shaft and the point of your broadhead, making it much less likely to spin true and fly accurately down range. Additionally, half-outs and outserts are often made for lowest cost manufacturing with soft materials and loose tolerances. Attaching your broadhead out in front of your arrow creates a lever arm which multiplies the bending stress on side impacts, often destroying arrows and stopping penetration.
HIT (Hidden Insert Technology) is used under license as a registered trademark of Easton Technical Products.
HIT Inserts are engineered to be bonded down inside the arrow shaft and are completely hidden once installed. This ensures broadheads and field points align directly with the arrow's inner diameter, eliminating the tolerance stack up of outserts and half-outs, making sure heads will spin true for excellent long range flight. Our Impact Collar fits over the arrow and overlaps the HIT insert providing unmatched impact strength with our premium materials. Analysis and empirical testing have shown that building strength down inside the arrow is far superior to attachment out in front with half-outs or outserts.

Our analysis and testing has shown a complete Deep Six arrow build for micro diameter arrows creates a more accurate, structurally sound, and deep penetrating arrow that gives bowhunters the best chance for a successful hunt. As a result, regardless of the other brands dropping Deep Six around the hunting industry for convenience and increased margin, we're committed to continuing to make them available to our customers. After all it takes to get a shot opportunity during the hunt of a lifetime, there's too much on the line to compromise.
So go ahead — build your micro arrow setup with Deep Six broadheads and HIT Inserts. We'll stand behind it.

Deep Six Field Points
Weighing 100, 125, and 150 grains, Iron Will's Deep Six Field Points are precision machined from hardened stainless steel for maximum durability. A bulbed head reduces penetration and friction along the arrow shaft for easier target pull. Additionally, these Deep Six Field Points are engineered to match broadhead drag more closely than ordinary field points for the same point of impact at long range.
Deep Six HIT Inserts
Iron Will makes five different Deep Six HIT Inserts — 15, 25, 50, 75, and 100 grains — so hunters can dial in their optimal front of arrow weight. These Deep Six inserts are engineered to the industry's most precise specifications from Grade 5 Titanium (15 grains) and hardened stainless steel (25-100 grains) so your arrow hits its mark and keeps driving through. Our testing has shown that aluminum isn't strong enough to hold up on heavy bone impacts.
Your Deep Six arrow setup isn't complete without Impact Collars. These hardened metal sleeves slide over the end of your arrow to help square up the front of your arrow and greatly reinforce your broadhead to arrow connection. The Impact Collar's front flange protects the front of the arrow shaft from mushrooming on hard impacts and the overlapping collar and HIT insert reinforce the arrow inside and out to prevent blowing out on hard side impacts. Available in 10 grain, 0.7" long, grade 5 Titanium and 25 grains, 1.0" long, hardened steel, and a variety of diameters for a precise fit on your Deep Six arrow shaft.
Reinforced HIT System
We call this HIT Insert, Impact Collar, arrow shaft, and head configuration our Reinforced HIT System. It's the strongest and most reliable way we've found to build Deep Six into your micro diameter arrows.
Get help from an Iron Will arrow setup expert. They'll review your current bow and arrow system and make recommendations to help you optimize it for your next hunt.