Jaxon's First Buck

"It was November 2021 when I first saw a great 11-point whitetail buck while hunting with my dad in Oklahoma. I knew instantly that I wanted him to be my first whitetail buck. He wasn’t mature when we first saw him, so we had to wait at least another year. Thankfully, I was able to use my crossbow and Iron Will broadheads to harvest my first whitetail doe and my first wild boar that year.
We hunted “my buck” through the 2022 Oklahoma deer season, with a near miss but no success. It made me want him even more!
When the 2023 Oklahoma deer season started, I was on a mission. After hunting him for 8 days in November and December, I finally got my opportunity on December 22, 2023. He gave me a good shot at 30 yards, and I took it. The Iron Will XV100 broadhead did its job perfectly. My first whitetail buck ran only 30 yards, got wobbly legs, and he was done.
I found my arrow buried in the ground 20 yards passed the deer. It was buried so deep my dad had to help me pull it from ground. We sharpened the broadhead and it is ready for another hunt!"
— Jaxon Rudolph, 10 Years Old