Five Common Mistakes Bow Hunters Make

Have you ever met a bow hunter who never made a mistake? If they claim they have, the truth isn't likely being told. Whether you're anxious about getting your first successful hunt in a long time or battling Mother Nature, there's no shame in messing up occasionally. However, any good hunter knows some mistakes should always be avoided to set yourself up for better success. Having this knowledge in your back pocket makes all the difference when details matter.
1. Slow It Down
Learning to slow your roll takes a lot of diligence and patience when using hunting arrows. The last thing you need to do is potentially chase away your target by moving too quickly in your area. Whether you are stalking or still hunting, moving too fast is one of the most overlooked mistakes. You haven't made an appointment to be somewhere, and taking that same approach in the forest is essential. Learn to appreciate nature and move along with it, not ahead.
2. Choosing The Wrong Broadheads
The right broadheads make all the difference for anyone who's an avid bow hunter. The wrong point can lead to poor penetration or even a missed shot. When choosing broadheads, consider what they’re made of and how they were engineered, the type of animal you're hunting, and the specs of your bow. Remember, not all broadheads are created equal. Choose wisely based on your individual needs to improve accuracy and penetration. For instance, iron will broadheads can have a wide, single-bevel, or double-bevel blade, depending on your preference.
3. Not Considering How To Practice Correctly
Small details can easily get overlooked by bow hunters, especially if you're relatively new. Hitting a still target is a lot of skill, but it's a whole new ball game you draw back on a live target. Understanding how to practice your shot correctly can significantly improve your chances of successful hunting. Don't just randomly shoot targets. Simulate real hunting scenarios and aim from various angles and distances. Practicing different shots will help you become more comfortable and prepared for an actual hunting situation.
It's also imperative to practice with your hunting gear on. It's much different shooting at practice targets in your backyard with comfortable clothes than the middle of winter in December from a treestand. Consider all the factors that come into play regarding apparel, including insulation, comfort, flexibility, and weather resistance.
4. Trying To Force A Shot
The pulse rises as the trophy buck comes within your shooting range. Impulse and adrenaline often override patience, leading to a common mistake among many bow hunters- trying to force a shot. Eagerness for an immediate kill or fear of losing a golden opportunity can impair judgment. What can separate true masters from novices is their aim and their restraint. Waiting for a higher percentage angle shot or allowing the prey enough calmness to present a wider surface area can significantly increase success relative to randomly firing away. This comes down to understanding bow mechanics and animal behavior under pressure.
5. Not Breaking Up The Routine
If you fail to underestimate the intelligence of your prey, it will always elude you. Animals have a keen sense of their surroundings and can detect threats. They have fixed routines but are also adaptable to changes in different situations. A routine hunting pattern is something that quick-learning wild game, such as deer or elk, can identify with time. Adapting your strategies and being unpredictable in timing, routes taken, and even the variety of calls made is crucial to giving yourself a better chance at success.
Be Better Prepared With Iron Will Outfitters
Being a better bow hunter takes time to happen. While there are certain aspects out of your control, the mistakes listed above are some of the common pitfalls you can avoid to increase your success rate significantly. You can outsmart even the most elusive game with careful consideration in choosing your gear and refining your strategies. Iron Will Outfitters is dedicated to providing bow hunters with premium gear designed for durability and precision. From broadheads to hunting knives and other necessities, each piece has been meticulously crafted with experienced hands using high-quality materials. Shop online to get ready for your next hunt!
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