Iron Will broadheads are engineered for maximum reliability on once-in-a-lifetime hunts. Our field points are designed for foam.
We want to be upfront about that. Road signs are not a target species. Neither is ballistic gel, cinder block, or plywood.
The best way to test broadhead performance is on actual warm hide, bone and muscle. This provides real data that leads to actionable results that can improve performance.
That said, Bill's been on vacation. So we bought a road sign and had some fun with an Iron Will Field Point, Single Bevel broadhead with bleeders, Double Bevel broadhead with bleeders, and a Buff broadhead (double bevel without bleeders).

The Setup
Front of Arrow:25gr. Impact Collarand25 gr. Iron Will HIT Insert.
Metal Road Sign Depth:.080in.
Shot Distance:~15 Yards (We didn't actually measure this. Marketing did this test, not Bill).
Bow Draw Weight:70lb.

Shots: 27
Pass-Thrus: 27
Damage Level: Minor Surface Scraping. Ready for Continued Use.
Sustaining the bulk of the shots was an Iron Will field point. Made with hardened stainless steel, our field points are designed to save arrows. So whether you're pushing your shot distance on the range, or you're shooting farther than ever at a TAC or 3D event, our goal is to protect your arrow on the occasional miss.

Shots: 1
Pass-Thrus: 1
Damage Level: Minor Blade Edge Scraping that Could Be Sharpened Out.
The Single Bevel broadhead fully penetrated the metal sign and remains in great shape. This shot created a hole with noticeable rotational torque as it passed through the sign.

Shots: 1
Pass-Thrus: 1
Damage Level: Minor Blade Edge Scraping that Could Be Sharpened Out. The tip of one of the bleeder blades received minor damage.
This double bevel broadhead with bleeders made quick work of the sign and is in similar condition as the single bevel broadhead, with only minor visible edge scraping. In a hunting situation, this broadhead would be good enough to use, though a couple quick touch-ups on a sharpening stone would be recommended.

Shots: 1
Pass-Thrus: 1
Damage Level: Little to No Blade Damage. Ready for Continued Use.
This double bevel Buff broadhead (no bleeders) received negligable damage. We can see why Buff broadheads are ideal for maximum penetration with low poundage bows or cape buffalo sized animals.
— Reinforced HIT System —
If this were a scientific test, we would have shot "control" arrows without Iron Will HIT Inserts and Impact Collars. Regardless of how well our broadheads and field points perform, how the point connects to the arrow plays a substantial role in sustaining momentum. Outserts work like lever-arms outside of the arrow and tend to blow out on hard impacts. Without an Impact Collar, arrows tend to mushroom on hard impacts. We cut corners on this test to create a cool video and a sign with a bunch of holes in it.
As it is, we used the Iron Will Reinforced HIT System for this test. This means the front of arrow contained an Iron Will point screwed into an Iron Will HIT Insert, with an Iron Will Impact Collar slid over the end of the arrow.

We can't officially say your field points or broadheads would survive being shot through a road sign, nor can we give a good reason why one should ever do that. This wasn't a scientific test, nor was it one we're particularly proud of. For some reason people think shooting broadheads through metal is impressive. Our field points blasted through it — of course broadheads should. It looks cool and was fun, but it doesn't say much about how a broadhead will perform on a once-in-a-lifetime hunt. Two things are clear though; Hunting season better come quick, and Bill better take back over the testing before marketing starts getting more ideas.
We don't condone shooting your broadheads at anything other than an intended animal, or field points at anything other than a foam target. Shooting your broadheads at anything other than an animal in a hunting scenario will void your warranty, so don't do that.