Well… I’m impressed folks!

"I shot this bull on opening day here on the Oregon coast. The arrow in the elk picture is a large cutting diameter 4 blade head I keep in my quiver for shooting blacktail deer and for long range low percentage follow up shots on elk (that arrow was fired from 80 yards while the bull was already on the ground).
The first arrow shot (below) was shot into the 800lb bull at 45 yards, entered a shoulder, broke a rib, went through the heart, broke a rib on the backside, cracked the off-side humerus, and is still hair shaving sharp! Bull went 60 yards and was down in under a minute. Appears to have buried in the offside leg, which broke the arrow when the bull ran, but your collars, inserts, and broadhead are all in perfect condition! Most confident setup I’ve ever had!!!"
— Justin Doyle