Pope & Young Velvet Canadian Moose

"Ninth all time records list on Pope and Young website for velvet Canadian moose. Once in a lifetime moose tag in North Dakota, 2022. Used the Iron Will S150 broadheads with bleeders. 60yard standing quartering away with a 20 year old single cam TRX Fred Bear. DIDNT GO 90!! Love your products.
Yall had warrantied bleeder blades on a truck my way in under 2 hours. And customer service is top notch. How many companies in this industry are actually excited to handle warranty claims and are interested in the customers hunt? You're the only place that does this and every one of your staff members should be proud of that culture Iron Will exemplifies. THANK YOU.. Next adventure goal is top 10 Pope and Young Shiras in velvet whether it's in CO or WY. ;) "
— Christian Levitt