Frontal Complete Pass Through on Elk

"This was my first bull elk shot with a bow, after 7 years of hunting it all finally came together. I had missed this bull the week before but was able to call him in from 1800 yards off of private land. It took about an hour to convince him but once I did he made a straight line to me. Once he was out of sight, I made a move from the decoy and he came into 12 yards. The first shot was frontal and made a complete pass through from the brisket area and came out just in front of the rear quarter. He jumped and walked to 20 yards where I put another arrow through both lungs, just to be sure. Shocked with how it all came together I lost track of him as he crested the hill. Went and looked for my arrows and the bull. Found one of the arrows and a shed of one of his offspring, that he was standing on when I shot him. Within minutes we crested the hill he went over and he was piled up. Incredible first bull and first experience with the iron will series s broadheads. Haven’t shot any other broadheads since!"
— Dale Lorentz
— Dale Lorentz