Daughter's First Buck

"My daughter, Heidi, now 50 years old, loves to hunt archery with me. Her first time deer hunting was when she was 40.
This year Pennsylvania had a Sunday archery hunt on Nov. 12. Her husband couldn't make the trip from Erie on Friday after work, so after work she traveled alone on rt 80, at night, almost 5 hours after and arrived at my house around 11pm. We were up at 4:30 and in the woods well before daylight on Saturday morning. Buck got by her Saturday morning without a shot. The evening hunt was uneventful. Come Sunday morning we were back in the woods and I got her to her stand just as it was breaking day. Before I left her we decided she should start home by noon so she would not have to travel alone at night, so that meant we would leave her stand by 10am.
At 9:27 I texted her that I would be at her stand by 9:45. I didn't get a text back.
At 9:33 I got a 2 word text; "GOT ONE". I just stared at it. So I called her and said I was on the way. When I got to her she said she saw it fall over "right over there." I could see it. We just followed the most amazing blood trail ever. The single bevel "125gr Iron Will" smashed through the scapula, cut off a nearside rib, through the lungs and another rib on the exit and stuck in flint ground. I have been hunting archery since I was 13 years old, 1958, and never saw a better blood trail.
I got Iron Will single bevel for her because she gets excited and she shoots at deer no matter the angle, front broadside etc. Single bevel was advertised by the "Ranch Fairy" as bone breaking. Well they are.
I am impressed with your single bevel heads. Cant wait to shoot one low through both shoulders. I'm sure it will die within sight, just like hers did. I am not writing this to get it published, but just to let you know you have a real bone crusher in that single bevel head.
I have attached 2 photos to show you the in and exit holes your Single Bevel made. Great product. Even a longtime archery hunter can learn something new. Good job."
— Don Spriggle, Author
— Heidi Spriggle Gianaris, Hunter