Coastal Whitetail with 42 Pound Stickbow

"I figured all us guys that shoot little coastal whitetails need to be represented in your Hunt Reports between all the giant elk, bear, and see mine below!
On Oct 1st, this doe slipped through the oaks and palms of the South Carolina Lowcountry to within 15 yds. I turned loose from approximately 18 ft up using a 200gr Iron Will Wide Solid from my 42# Stalker Stickbow Apex Longbow. The fact that my arrow was going less than 160fps didn't matter. The arrow hit and, penetrated all the way through, and dropped her, while a follow up shot finished the job. I can't say the broadhead could still shave after entering the sandy soil of the creek bed the doe was in, but after a quick touch-up, it was ready to go back in the quiver. The lethality and durability of these broadheads is unmatched."
— Newman Landa