Cape Buffalo — 100 Yards and Down

"The hunt was fantastic, it took three days of sitting and one opportunity the first night but by the time we figured out the bull to shoot we realized it was too dark to shoot. The second night produced no opportunities. The third night the buffalo came in just before dark as well as a female hippo and her baby. It took 20 minutes until the right Buffalo gave us a shot at 28 yards. Upon impact, the buffalo reacted like he had been shot with a .375. The bull barely made it 100 yards before he expired. One perfect arrow through the lungs and that was all it took. Not even 3 minutes had passed when we heard the infamous “moan” of the buffalo taking his last breath. I was shooting a 780 grain arrow with a 175 gr wide iron will. The arrow penetrated all the way to the fletchings in the buffalo and buried in the opposite shoulder. The Iron Will was most definitely the easiest Broadhead to tune, and didn’t even have a nick in the blade once we removed it from the buffalo. Can’t thank you guys enough for producing such a wonderful product! Can’t thank Mabula Pro Safaris enough for such an incredible experience!"
— Gavin Dodd