Broadheads that Hit Like a Bullet

"Two years ago, I changed my arrow build to a 4mm Axis, with your deep six insert system and Impact collars. I also use your single bevel, 125 grain broadhead. This system gives me a 470 grain arrow, which I shoot out of a 70 lb. bow with a 28" draw length.
I LOVE to hunt elk with a bow, and took my 13th bull this year with this arrow set up, my first elk with your broadhead. I got a complete pass through, and the bull only took 20 steps and tipped over. But the reason I'm sending you this report is to let you know what my guide said when we took apart the animal. The hit was just behind the shoulder, and there was so much tissue damage that he exclaimed," This thing looks like it was hit by a bullet!" Thanks so much for your excellent products, both the broadheads and insert system. These arrows fly true and hit hard, exactly what you need for tough animals like elk."
— Steve Scheffel