Broadhead Pass Through on Bison

"I had a wonderful opportunity of going on a world class bison archery spot & stalk hunt on November 1 with Tom Mau at SWR Big Game Hunts on the banks and breaks of Lake Darling near Tolley, North Dakota and they did not disappoint. After spending the morning and beginning of the afternoon with multiple failed attempts at getting a shot on this bison, I was able to put a full double lung pass-through on this animal with my first arrow using the Iron Will Broadheads. The bison ran off about 400 yards down into the bottom of a draw so once again the stock was on. I was able to get within 60 yards of the bison with a perfect quartering away shot for the second arrows penetration. Even at that distance, the Iron Will Broadhead not only flew more accurately than a field tip, but it's ability to penetrate an animal of this size was unmatched. The arrow buried into the lower abdomen, tearing through the lungs and the heart and lodging into the backside of the shoulder, which was ultimately the final straw for this majestic creature. The bison, then ran off again a couple hundred yards which we were able to sneak up on around a couple of trees and get a final arrow into the animal, which is where the animal went down and the true excitement began! This world class bison weighed near 2500 pounds on the hoof and was an absolute giant. I couldn't be happier with how the Iron Will Broadheads performed! From here on out there will be nothing else in my quiver."
— Chris Gellner
— Chris Gellner