Big New Mexico Bull Elk

"I was hunting first season in Northern New Mexico for archery elk on public land. Had a lot of close encounters. On day 4, chased and glassed a monster 6x7 but he bedded by 845 am. Wanted to give him space (for wind) so as I backed out on an elk game trail I stumbled upon a very fresh wallow. Sat this fresh wallow for then entire day that I found and sat through thunderstorms that came through unfortunately. Didn’t pack any food out from base camp which didn’t make it much fun either. As I sat the wallow and through the storms I heard at least 4 different bulls bugling in a the next right canyon; opposite where I left the 6x7 bull.. thinking they would come in and hit this wallow I was sitting, but never did. Chased the bugles when the winds changed around 5:30 PM (earlier due to the cooler temps from the storms) and shot this bull at 620pm on September 11, 2024 at 76 yards. (I practiced all summer at 80 yards almost every day with your broad head). I actually shoot your arrows as well; The axis match grade 260 spine with the 125 grain right single bevel, total arrow weight 490 grains. Packed him out 4 miles uphill through dead fall to the truck. One of the hardest things I’ve done in my life but all well worth it and had a smile on my face the entire time. Taxidermist did a green score on it at 364."
— Gary Zack
— Gary Zack