Arrow Set Up Recommendations

For arrow setups used for game species in North America, we generally recommend an overall arrow weight range of around 450-550 grains. Overall, we suggest finding a good combination of arrow weight and an arrow trajectory that you are comfortable with. For example, if you shoot lighter poundage or have a shorter draw length, you may want to be on the lower end of the range for a flatter trajectory and tighter pin gap.

For front weight, we like around 150-200 grains total up front, which includes your broadhead, insert, and collar weight. If you have a higher grains per inch (GPI) arrow, such as the 5MM Axis, you choose to be in the 150-175 total front weight. If you have a light GPI arrow, such as the RIP TKO, then you might be closer to the 175-200 grain range. We have found that it does not matter where you distribute the front weight through components and broadhead as long as you are getting your desired front weight and a correctly spined arrow. Typically, people will choose their front weight and then select their arrow spine based on their arrow length and draw weight.

It is important to make sure your arrow is spined correctly by looking at your arrow length, arrow front weight, and bow poundage on an arrow spine chart. Here is a link to our spine charts: Arrow Spine Charts

One of our favorite arrow diameters is the .204” ID shafts such as the 5MM Easton Axis or Victory RIP TKO. The .204” ID shafts use standard 8-32 threaded HIT inserts* and broadheads. We use the Reinforced HIT System which uses a HIT insert, and Impact Collar. More information on the HIT system can be found at this link:

As for FOC, we have found 12-16% to be a good range with our broadheads. We have found vanes that are at least .5” tall with 2.25-3 degrees of helical or offset in a 3 fletch configuration to do a great job of stabilizing the arrow. Our favorite vanes are the Iron Will 2.5 and Iron Will Hybrid Hunter.


When looking at an arrow company's arrow chart, look for the GPI (grains per inch) for the arrow spine you are using. You can multiple the GPI x the arrow length to get the weight of the carbon. Then you will add the weight of your nock, vanes, insert, collar, and field point to get a rough estimate of what your arrow would weigh. Below is an example of an arrow chart for the 5MM Axis.


For arrow length, it is best to draw your bow with an arrow in it, then have someone mark your arrow where you would like it cut. We typically will draw our bow back, and then have someone mark the arrow right at the rest fork or launcher blade. Then we add either 1.0 inch if using the 10 grain titanium collar or 1.25 inch if using the 25 grain collars. You will want to make sure the Impact Collar clears the arrow rest. The 25 grain collar is 1" long while the 10 grain collar is 0.7" long. This means that the Impact Collar will cover either the last 0.7” or 1” of the arrow. The Impact Collar does not add length in front of the arrow. Finally, we recommend double checking your final measurement by putting a piece of 0.7” or 1" long tape to mimic the collar, to be sure that when you draw your bow back, that it does not contact your rest at all. Then, once you have confirmed this, you can then measure from the carbon end in front of the nock, to the determined mark at the broadhead end. Our custom arrow builds are measured from “carbon to carbon” meaning you are only measuring the arrow shaft.

Caution: Changing the length of an arrow may change the spine you need depending on your weight up front and FOC calculations.


*HIT (Hidden Insert Technology) is used under license as a registered trademark of Easton Technical Products.